Monday, November 12, 2012

Christlike Community:)

Proverbs 27:9(b) "A sweet friendship refreshes the soul."
I'm trying to understand that point of Christianity and community. What does it mean when we have hundreds of people in church when people are afraid to share a prayer request. What does it mean when we've got a hundred kids in youth group and everyone is frustrated because they feel unimportant? As Christians, we're called to Christ-like relationships. We are called to specifically go out of our ...way to make sure the people in our church or just the people in our lives aren't drowning. We are called to more than simply drowning in our own frustrations, because it's all to easy to do so, trust me. I know. We were made to make a continual difference in the lives of those around us. Right now, we have a duty. We need to surround people with Christ's love. Because by doing so, we create a community of love, joy, peace, understanding, encouragement and we emulate Christ-like relationships. I know I'm going to need God's grace to start living the actions that I'm speaking, but I know that He will freely give it. Let's get started.
2 Corinthians 13:14 The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.


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